♦ Itty Bitty Art Committee ♦ Created by Sophie Ashcroft and Beverly Cottrell

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Our Proposed Idea For 42 New Briggate Window!

Here's our idea planned for the window space.... and this was the email/proposal we sent:

"Itty Bitty Art Committee to Neil, over!

Houston, we have an exhibition!

We're proposing to turn the window space into an itty bitty planetarium. Planets, comets and satellites suspended in front of a starry painted back drop. Each planet will have all its geography illustrated onto it, include hidden faces and the odd interplanetary outpost.

We'd like to suspend a constellation of approximately twenty galactic objects and have a little stand to place a bowl of business comets (three dimensional business cards).

Could we have the dimensions of the window space? When would you like this to be exhibited? Any other questions or comments please e-mail or call us.

Roger, over and out!"

The Itty Bitty Art Committee

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♦ Itty Bitty Art Committee ♦ Created by Sophie Ashcroft and Beverly Cottrell