♦ Itty Bitty Art Committee ♦ Created by Sophie Ashcroft and Beverly Cottrell

Friday, 4 June 2010

Summer Fete!

We had another lovely time at the Faversham with the Marvellous Tea Dance Company for the Summer Fete, although the weather wasn't quite summery! However that didn't stop the fun and games that the Fete had to offer, which I had a few goes myself. It brings back childhood memories of summer fairs with the school and village. Good times!

Have a look at our winnings!

Sophie won a little musical box in the shape of a chalet with watermill and all, and a little gypsy looking doll whose eyes fliker when to tilt her in various directions. I won a round gold-coloured frame with a (painted?) floral coaster inside and a COCONUT!

Which I will be opening soon to drink some lovely coconut juice and make some coconut cakes!

It was all fun at the fair!

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♦ Itty Bitty Art Committee ♦ Created by Sophie Ashcroft and Beverly Cottrell